Emma Caldwell
The Women’s Support Project developed a joint statement on the Public Inquiry into police failures during the Emma Caldwell investigation and case. 46 organisations across Scotland who work with women and victims have signed this in a strong united call for clarity and transparency along with changes in the Justice System.
JUSTICE FOR EMMA - please read our full statement.

Developing for the future
Our full website is under redevelopment. Over the years we've gathered a wealth of info and resources, so we're taking time to assemble an accessible, easy to navigate website – helping you to find the information YOU need.
For the moment, please check out our essential info below. You can contact us directly via the form at the bottom of the page. You can also call 0141 418 0748 or email enquiries@womenssupportproject.org.uk
The Women’s Support Project works to end violence against women. Based in Glasgow, we work across Scotland to raise awareness of the root causes, extent, and impact of male violence and for improved services for those affected.
Key themes are addressing unmet need and emerging issues, making links between different forms of violence and abuse, and supporting multiagency and partnership approaches. Our work is informed by an understanding of links and overlaps between different forms of violence, discrimination and oppression.

Right & Choices
Support for migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women in Glasgow who are socially isolated and / or have experienced violence or abuse. Befriending, short courses and community-based events.
Training and public education
We can provide training for practitioners and community organisations on a range of issues around violence against women, and resources to support training and public education.
FGM Aware
Resources and information to help tackle FGM in Scotland.
Reducing harm through commercial sexual exploitation
WSP leads on work in Scotland to reduce harm caused by prostitution and other forms of commercial sexual exploitation, offering a diverse programme of awareness raising, public education, capacity building and training. We engage with women with current or past involvement in the sex industry, working alongside women to develop safe and innovative ways of their views being heard. Examples of work:
Encompass Network
The Women’s Support Project co-ordinates Encompass, a Scottish network of agencies working with people affected by commercial sexual exploitation.
Inside Outside Scotland
Coordinated and supported by the Encompass Network, ‘Inside Outside’ amplifies the voices of women who are, or have been, involved in the sex industry in Scotland. These are voices not often heard in the mainstream press, and often drowned out on social media. The individual stories are accompanied by photographs taken by the women on camera phones. The photographs are their ideas and their work, focusing on images which represent both negative and positive memories and experiences, and often highlighting the women's strengths.
Money and Power: Commercial Sexual Exploitation in Scotland
The Money and Power resources comprise of a short DVD film, an awareness raising pack, supporting materials pack and a training pack. We worked with Zero Tolerance and the media co-op to develop new resources to challenge commercial sexual exploitation in Scotland.
Pleasure vs Profit: Growing Up in a Pornified Scotland
Pleasure vs. Profit is one of the first resources to make the connections between sexualisation and the creep of pornographic images and values into mainstream culture, and to focus on the situation in Scotland. Developed by the Women`s Support Project with support from Zero Tolerance.
Scottish Coalition Against Sexual Exploitation
Informing, working, and campaigning against sexual exploitation in Scotland.