This is question number 14 of our 16 questions for 16 days, a series developed as part of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence global campaign. In these videos we discuss commonly asked questions about commercial sexual exploitation and the sex industry in Scotland.
You can hear all our episodes on YouTube.
Additional readings for this episode:
A Review of the Literature on Sex Workers and Social Exclusion - by the UCL Institute of Health Equity
Universal Credit and “survival sex” - report by UK Parliament
CLiCK bitesize: Money - self-guided training on how poverty and money can affect the lives of women who sell or exchange sex
CSE Aware: Housing - information and resources on the housing needs of women and how these can push them into selling/exchanging sex or prevent them from stopping.
Exploring the multiple disadvantages experienced by women who sell sex - Beyond the Streets research
The impact of Covid-19 on women who sell sex or are sexually exploited - Beyond the Streets report